The Places We've Been

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Clare (26/11/12 - 30/11/12)

We arrived in Clare on 26/11 and stayed for four nights. Clare is a well known SA wine region, but more importantly home to some Thomas rellies.  We spent Sunday in the sheep yards at Wayne and Helen Thomas' farm.  The kids had a ball.  Simon's thoughts on sheep work have not changed (he still can't stand it, but was happy to help out).

The time in this area has also been great as Simon has had the opportunity to visit his grandfather's grave in Hallet for the 1st time and the original Thomas Family farm, where Rex (Simon's Dad) grew up.  Simon's grandfather passed away 68 years ago, at the age of 38, when Rex was only 2 years old.  This certainly puts things into perspective and really makes us appreciate how lucky we are to be doing this fantastic trip as a family.

The next few days we enjoyed touring around all the historic towns, including Burra, where we spent the day learning about the history of this early town, that was once one of the biggest inland towns of Australia.  The kids loved visiting the old jail, mine, dugouts, but their favourite was the old brewery and its underground cellars.  They are definitely their father's children!  Ben and Chloe had fun dressing up in old period costumes at the Burra Town Hall.

The kids loved the Mintaro Maze and all the gnomes and games in the gardens.

It was great to catch up with Bruce and Eleanor and finally get to see their beautiful town of Clare.  

Mintaro Maze - the race is on to find the middle!

They found it!
Burra - Copper mine

Old Burra Jail
"Cup of tea anyone?"
Burra Town Hall

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