The Places We've Been

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Kalgoorlie (24/10/11 - 29/10/11)

We arrived in Kalgoorlie on Monday.  So much to see, so much to do, so much history, busy and so many pubs!!  And we have had SO MUCH rain!  Spent yesterday visiting Menzies, Lake Ballard and the sculptures, getting muddy feet and eaten by flies (check out our kids lovely head wear - fly net hats!) and ending the day with a beer at the Ora Banda pub.  Great day.  Kids were lucky enough to be invited into the cellar under the Ora Banda pub and hold a 3oz gold nugget that a friend of the owners brought in while we were there.  Ben is so keen to "find some gold".  Visited the 2 up ring this morning and had a few games with the kids - they loved it.  Then lunch at one of the many pubs.

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