The Places We've Been

Wednesday 15 February 2012

SYDNEY - Bondi (10/2/12)

We headed to Bondi Beach today.  On the way we stopped off at Kings Cross to do the touristy thing.  Thankfully it was only 10 o’clock in the morning and a lap around the block provided us with enough undesirable behaviour for one day.  The kids were oblivious to it all, other than a homeless man sleeping on a park bench, which has been the subject of discussion a number of times since, which is not such a bad thing.

Onto Bondi and a look at the Bondi Baths.  It was pretty rough, but despite this people were still doing their laps.  We had a nice walk along the beach and a delicious lunch and spectacular view at North Bondi RSL.  It was a beautiful sunny day and warm enough for a swim.  Unfortunately we hadn’t packed our bathers as it was cold and raining when we left.  Chloe was not impressed.  We enjoyed a scenic bus trip back to the city.

Next stop -  Pylon Lookout, in one of the pylons of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.  Amazing views.

After dinner we went on a spotlighting tour through the national park we were staying at with a park ranger.  We saw ring-tailed possums, brush tailed possums, an owl, bush turkeys, bandicoots, kookaburras, a lizard, frogs and tadpoles.  Ben and Donna retired early and Chloe and Simon continued on until 10ish.  Chloe loved it.

Rough swimming at the Bondi Baths

Views from the Pylon Lookout

Our most visited place in Sydney - the train station.

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