The Places We've Been

Friday 9 March 2012

Rain, rain go away!

How lucky we have been.  Many places that we visited in NSW recently have had huge amounts of rain and many have flooded in the last couple of weeks.  So horrible for all those poor people.  Thankfully we have been just ahead of the rain.  However, the rain finally caught up with us at the Gold Coast.  Very heavy rain, non stop for 24 hours, including when we were setting up!  The forecast for the week was rain, rain and more rain.  Plus storms.  AAAHHHH!  But thankfully after the 1st day of rain, we had two days with a bit of drizzle and the rest of the week was sunny and warm.  So lucky!!

Thank you everyone for your e.mails, texts and phone calls to check if we were rained out.  We really appreciate your concern and are so glad we stayed dry.

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