The Places We've Been

Sunday 20 November 2011

The Olgas (17/11/11)

After discovering once again that the Ayers Rock climb was closed today, we spent the morning at the Olgas about 50kms from Yulara.  The Olgas are equally unique in their own way.  We walked to the first lookout and on the way back Ben decided to fall over on the rocks and cut his hand – thank goodness we were not too far from the car and the 1st aid kit!  Brave boy.

Thankfully we decided to do another walk into Walpa Gorge – a fantastic walk – was so green from all the rain they have had this year and even had some water in some water holes.  The kids loved catching tadpoles.  Scenery spectacular.  All finished, home and in the air con by 11.30.  36 today!  Another afternoon in the pool.  We met some other families with kids the same age as Chloe, so Chloe had great fun with them, while Ben had a ball swimming up and down the pool with his snorkel and goggles.
An early night in preparation for sunrise at Ayers Rock tomorrow.

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