The Places We've Been

Friday 11 November 2011

Streaky Bay (3/11/11 - 6/11/11)

Next stop the famous Streaky Bay that we had heard so much about.  We had a fantastic waterfront site at the caravan park (even better than Smoky Bay!).  This beautiful little town is immaculate and the Eyre Pennisula coastline continues to amaze us!  We managed to find some sand dunes to give the new sandboard, along with test pilot Ben a go.  Plenty of sand was eaten by all!  We had some warm weather finally and had one day of 36 degrees.  Thankfully there were lots of nice beaches to cool off in.  We even saw a school of king george whiting where we were swimming - Simon was wishing we had some fishing gear with us.  The kids had their very first go at a skate park on their scooters - the Streaky Bay SK8 Park.  Ben thought it funny that it was called a "Skate Eight" park rather than a skate park!!

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