The Places We've Been

Sunday 13 November 2011

Whyalla - Port Augusta - Marla (14/11/11)

Monday morning we were quite happy to leave WINDY Whyalla behind us.  80km north to Port Augusta with the plan to fuel up.  We were surprised - Port Augusta was a lot nicer than we had thought it would be.  We all managed to get a new pair of shoes each aswell.  Then we were on our way to start the BIG trek to Ayres Rock - 1256kms!!  As I type this, it is 12pm and a nice 28 degrees.  We are preparing ourselves for very hot weather!  Some early mornings once we are in Ayres Rock to avoid the heat.  We are 100kms north of Port Augusta and amazingly have internet and phone service.  Ben is very excited that we are FINALLY going to the desert!  Whilst not excited at all about the drive, we are all looking forward to seeing Ayres Rock.

Farewell until Ayres Rock....

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