The Places We've Been

Sunday 20 May 2012

Wolfe Creek Crater (21/5/12)

On our second day in Halls Creek, we were up and on the road by 7.15, headed to Wolfe Creek Crater.  We drove 17 kilometres south along the highway to the turnoff, then 130 kilometres south along the bumpy 4wd Tanami Road.  After a fair few bumps, rocks, corrugations and dust we arrived, with the worst part of the road being in the national park.

Wolfe Creek Crater is on the edge of the Great Sandy Desert.  It is the second largest meteorite crater in the world.  It is 850 meters wide and almost circular.  The floor is 60 meters below the rim.  A short, steep walk took us to the rim, providing a great view.  We then walked down a couple of hundred meters of steep, loose rocks into the crater and had a walk around.  There was a lot of vegetation, especially in the centre.  A steep climb brought us to the top again. 

Was great to see (although we probably won't go back there again) - another thing ticked off the bucket list!

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