The Places We've Been

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Derby (24/5/12 - 28/5/12)

From Fitzroy Crossing we drove 100 kilometers west along the highway to a waterhole at Ellendale, where the kids collected some boab seeds.  Another 150 kilometres and we arrived at Derby.

On the way to Derby we did a slight detour to Willare, where the Fitzroy River flows.  We had planned to have lunch and see if we could spot some saltwater croc's.  No croc's to be seen unfortunately, so we headed back north and continued on our way to Derby. 

Seven kilometres south of Derby we stopped at the Prison Boab Tree, a massive boab tree believed to be 1500 years old.  It was once used as a stop over point for prisoners being walked into Derby.  Also here was one of the longest water troughs in the southern hemisphere.

We arrived at the Heath's home early afternoon and set up camp.  What a great caravan park - a huge concrete pad, water, power, shade, our own bathroom and as said by Ben "it's free".  Plus heaps of paving and concrete for skateboarding and rip stiking! 

The best part though was catching up with Cherie, Kurt, Nadine and Leonie.  The kids had been waiting all holiday to get to Derby to see Nadine and Leonie...and we finally got there.  They quickly picked up where they had left off and had lots of fun.  It was here that Chloe perfected the rip stik and also where she had a major stack, falling straight onto her elbow on the concrete.  This led to a trip to the Derby Hospital, but thankfully no broken bones.

We all enjoyed mud crabbing in Kurt's boat and more importantly eating the crabs.  Donna's definition of heaven!  There's nothing better than being out on the water (except of course eating crabs!)  We didn't spot any saltwater crocodiles, but are sure they were lurking not far from us in the murky water.

The huge tides in Derby are amazing and even though we almost missed the sunset the first night at the jetty, it was great to have a walk around and soak in the view.

We got to experience some cool weather in Derby in the mornings and evenings - we didn't know it existed!  So out came the jumpers and socks!  Just getting prepared for Albany.  The days though were beautiful and warm.

Chloe and Ben enjoyed our visit to the School of the Air, where we learnt how the teachers conduct lessons with kids in isolated areas over the computer.  Unfortunately we didn't get to sit in on a lesson as they were having technical issues.

We visited the Old Derby Gaol, which consisted of a concrete floor and metal bars.  Prisoners were chained to the floor and often it housed many more people than it was designed to.  It was very primitive and very sad to think prisoners were treated in such a way up until 1975 when it was closed.  Chloe and Ben didn't enjoy being locked in by Simon!

We visited the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) and learnt a bit about how this amazing service operates.

Donna and the kids experienced the Derby markets and Chloe and Ben managed to waste some money! 

Chloe enjoyed two sleepovers with Leonie and Ben was Nadine's little shadow.  Ben was so sad when we left.

We had a fantastic four days - heaps of eating (even if we didn't eat until 10pm one night!) and drinking, lots of catching up and many laughs.  Thanks Cherie, Kurt, Nadine and Leonie for opening your home to us all.  We had a wonderful time and are missing you all already.

Prison Boab Tree
Long water trough
Derby Jetty at sunset

School of the Air
Mud crabbing
Not a bad view
Chloe and Leonie
Skipper Kurt and Deckie Simon
Our way in toward the jetty
Our catch - not bad!

The rip stiking girls - Chloe, Nadine and Leonie
Western Derby - Kurt, Matt, Cherie and Donna
"Let us out!" - Old Derby Gaol

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