The Places We've Been

Thursday 14 June 2012

Broome (Part 2) (1/6/12 - 8/6/12)

We arrived back in Broome from Cape Leveque around lunch time and were very excited to catch up with our Albany friends, Marcus and Helen, who had arrived in Broome a couple of days earlier.  It was so lovely to see them...and it made us realise how long we had been away.  We also made some new friends in Wendy and McGoo who were holidaying with Marucs and Helen.  We shared many laughs, stories, meals and beers (well the boys anyway!).  Thanks guys for a great week.  We will be thinking of you sunning yourselves for the next three months whilst we freeze in Albany.  More importantly we will be thinking of you all on the 5th of July when the beautiful Dayna and Phil get married.  Wish we could be celebrating with you all.

We had a great week in Broome - nice and relaxing.  Lots of time was spent at beautiful Cable Beach.  A few swims, lots of playing in the sand for Chloe and Ben (including a big dam they made), a few drinks, snacks, hotdogs one night and many a sunset.  Wow - they are magic!  The kids encountered their first nudist beach and Chloe was thankful she didn't have to take her bathers off to have a swim! 

We took the kids to Gantheume Point for a look see. The red rock against the white sand and blue water was just gorgeous.  We saw the replica dinosaur footprints and a massive eagles nest.

Donna, Chloe and Ben enjoyed a camel ride along Cable Beach one afternoon on Jabul the camel.  Simon opted out and was photographer.  The kids were surprised how high up we were - they are certainly big animals.  It was a very relaxing half an hour and the perfect location.

We had a great catch up with Broome locals Melissa, Linton, Luke and Ben.  Chloe and Ben loved having some new friends to play with.  Thanks guys for a delicious meal and your hospitality.  It was great to see you.  We still can't understand how you think the dry season is "cold".  For us, the weather is glorious.

On Tuesday, along with the Maroni's and the McGoo's we did a day trip out to James Price Point, 60 kilometres north of Broome.  It is here that Woodside has their controversial proposed gas hub, which has led to many protests.  There were a few protestors camped there and a few signs to be seen, but no active protesting.  What a beautiful spot - pristine coastline - red rock and beautiful blue water. 

Heading back toward Broome we stopped in at Quondong Point (just south of James Price Point).   Another beautiful spot.  A white sandy beach with crystal clear water.  Plus there were only two other people there.  We enjoyed a swim or two and it was a great spot for lunch.  Chloe and Ben loved collecting hermit crabs and we all enjoyed the hermit crab races!

We topped off what was a fantastic day with dinner at the Mangrove Hotel.  Our dinner in itself was memorable - a huge seafood platter that was absolutely delicious.  The highlight however was the Staircase to the Moon, which is caused by the rising of a full moon reflecting off the exposed mud flats at extremely low tide, creating the optical illusion of stairs reaching to the moon.  Absolutely spectacular - we have never seen anything like it.  We LOVED it, even if photographer Simon kept having his view blocked by a silly woman who overtook our spot! 

Donna and the kids enjoyed wandering the Broome Courthouse Markets and the kids fell in love with the orbit balls that were for sale.  A glass ball that created an optical illusion when it was moved in different ways. Unfortunately they were a tad expensive and heavy, so the kids lucked out. 

It was in Broome that we got our beloved caravan and home for the past eight months ready to sell...and it is now officially for sale.  We would love to sell it before we get home so fingers crossed.

Broome was also where Donna reached her goal set in March to run 10 kilometres before the end of the holiday.  Woohoo!  In fact she ran 12.6 kilometres and was pretty impressed with herself!!

We could easily spend another few months in Broome, but unfortunately our holiday is coming to an end and we must start heading toward home.

Next stop....Port Smith and Bidyadanga.

The dam construction begins - Cable Beach

This is the life!
Chloe's find - sea cucumber
Another sand creation
The beautiful Cable Beach sunset
Gantheume Point
James Price Point

Guondong Point - the beautiful beach
The hermit crab race!
The Staircase to the Moon
Our camel ride

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