The Places We've Been

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Karijini (13/6/12 - 16/6/12)

We were up and on the road around 9ish, headed toward Karijini.  Karijini National Park is the second largest national park in WA, covering 627,445 hectares.  Thankfully Ben was feeling a lot better today.  We stopped in at Auski Roadhouse to refuel and top up our water.  We arrived at Dales Gorge Campground around lunch time.  We had a fairly quiet afternoon - Ben caught up on some much needed sleep and Simon and Chloe went for a walk to Fortescue Falls and had a swim at Fern Pool.  Later in the afternoon, we all went for a swim at Fern Pool.  Somewhat cold but so refreshing and such a beautiful spot.

On Thursday we drove to the western side of Karijini, about 50 kilometres from where we were staying.  The scenery was spectacular.  Simon, the tour guide was in his element, reliving his Karijini tour guide days!  First he took us off road to Bee Gorge, which was just outside of the national park.  Next stop, Oxers Lookout.  It is from here you look down to Junction Pool, where four gorges all meet - Weano Gorge, Hancock Gorge, Joffre Gorge and Red Gorge.  Very unique and a spectacular view.

Next stop, Weano Gorge, where we walked down and along the base of the gorge into Handrail Pool and back, a 1 kilometre round trip.  First we had to wade waist deep in water with the kids on our backs for 50 metres to dry rocks so we could then climb over and down rocks, across streams and finally make our way down into Handrail Gorge.  We know 50 metres is not far to wade through water, but when the water is FREEZING as it is in Karijini, it seemed like a very long way.  It took Donna all day to warm up again.  Anyway it was well and truly worth it, the kids loved the walk and the slow and steep descent into Handrail Pool.  They were even brave enough to have a paddle.

From here we drove into the Eco Resort (pretty basic campground with cafe, bar etc) for some well deserved ice creams and drinks.  Unfortunately it was also here we discovered we had a puncture, our first on the car for our whole trip.  Ice creams eaten, tyre changed and we were on our way again.  We stopped at two more lookouts on the way back, Knox Lookout, which provided views of a beautiful swimming hole and Joffre Lookout, which provided views of Joffre Gorge with a flowing waterfall.  You can walk down into both gorges, but they are very steep and we just didn't have it in us!

Our final stop for the day was Kalamina Gorge. It was an easy walk into the gorge and to the beautiful swimming hole with a nice waterfall.  Simon braved the cold and had a swim, Ben got partially wet and Chloe and Donna didn't even entertain the idea of jumping into the freezing cold water. 

Back to camp after what was a very enjoyable day for us all.

On Friday the plan was to walk some of Mount Bruce, the second highest mountain in WA and then in the afternoon do the walk from Circular Pool to Fortescue Falls to Fern Pool.  How things change!  Simon was keen to get the punctured tyre fixed and given Mt Bruce was on the way to Tom Price, we headed into Tom Price first thing.  We had our tyre fixed and dropped into see Leah, Emme and Mickayla, ex Albany friends who live in Tom Price.  As we had no phone range until we arrived in Tom Price, Leah had very little warning.  So thank you Leah and girls for a great catch up at very short notice.  Was great to see you all, just a shame we didn't get to see Bryan too.  After lunch we headed up to the top of Mount Nameless, which provided a fantastic view over Tom Price and the iron ore mine.  Thankfully the view was good as the road up there was terrible.  So rocky, steep and bumpy.  We were glad to be back on the bitumen!

Unfortunately it was also at this time that Donna and Simon both started feeling ill.  Not sure if it was our lunch or what the kids had, but Simon was unwell for the rest of the day and night and Donna was feeling pretty ordinary.  Needless to say we didn't get to Mt Bruce or Circular Pool.  We checked out Circular Pool from the lookout the following morning when we were feeling a bit better before leaving Karijini and beginning our journey south.

Chloe and Ben became Karijini Junior Park Rangers during our stay.  They had to complete a big worksheet about the national park and were very happy with themselves when they got their badges.

Whilst we didn't get to do absolutely everything we had hoped to do, we loved our time in Karijini.  The amazing scenery, spectacular gorges and swimming holes, clear skies with thousands of stars, quietness and the isolation all make it a very special place.

View from our campsite
Fern Pool
Fortescue Falls
Oxers Lookout

Junction Pool
Handrail Pool

View from Handrail Pool to next waterhole
Climbing out of Handrail Pool
Knox Gorge
Joffre Gorge

Kalamina Gorge

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