The Places We've Been

Friday 1 June 2012

Broome (Part 1) (28/5/12 - 30/5/12)

On Monday morning we sadly farewelled the Heath's and Derby and made our way 220 kilometres south to Broome.  By the time we had set up camp and stocked up on a few supplies, it was time for a Broome sunset. We had forgotten how gorgeous the Broome sunsets are.

On our second day in Broome we made another visit to the hospital emergency department!  This time with Ben, who had fallen off the back of the car and cut his forehead (after being told not to climb on the car!)  Nothing some glue and a few jokes from the doctor couldn't fix.  Please Chloe and Ben, no more accidents as Mum is not too keen on checking out any more emergency departments in the near future!  For the record, Derby and Broome have great hospitals and we even had an ex Albany nurse at Broome Hospital.

On Tuesday afternoon we caught up with the Wise family again - yippee! The kids were happy to see their buddies again and we had a great catch up over pizzas and a few drinks. 

On Wednesday morning we hit the road and headed 210 kilometres north to Cape Leveque (see separate post).

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