The Places We've Been

Thursday 14 June 2012

Port Smith & Bidyadanga (8/6/12 - 11/6/12)

From Broome we drove 160 kilometers south to Port Smith.  We literally dropped the van off at the caravan park and then drove 30 kilometres south to Bidyadanga.  Bidyadanga is an aboriginal community with a population of around 800.   It is here that our sister in law Sally's cousin, Bec lives with her husband and kids.  Bec is the principal of the Bidyadanga school.

We spent the weekend camping with Bec, Graeme, Andy (5), Clancy (3) and a heap of their friends at a beach 15 kilometres from Bidyadanga.  There were 20 adults and 8 kids in total - a great bunch of people.  Plus they were so organised!  Everyone was designated a meal to prepare, which meant we didn't have to take a carload of food, no one spent the entire weekend cooking and we had heaps of delicious food!   The kids were in heaven - other kids to play with, the beach and the cutest little puppy to cuddle (Kipper).  Ben and Andy were inseparable for the entire weekend.  Plus we had a weekend jam packed with new and amazing experiences. 

Graeme is a traditional land owner of the area and was more than happy to pass on many of his amazing bush skills with us all.  He made sure we were well supplied with some delicious seafood (including mud crabs, clam and turtle) caught in the traditional way, that is with a spear.  He took us mud crabbing and it was amazing how he could spot the crabs in the mud and water when everyone else could hardly see them.  And you could see why they are called mud crabs, at times we were knee deep in mud!  He showed us how to make spears.  The kids were very impressed!

We all enjoyed sleeping under the stars and listening to the waves crash for two nights.  The kids enjoyed swimming, collecting shells, digging moats, toasting marshmallows on the fire and cuddling Kipper.  The beach we camped at was beautiful both at high and low tide and spectacular at sunset.  Such a beautiful place and we feel very privileged to have been invited to experience it.

Thanks Bec, Graeme, Andy, Clancy and the rest of the Bidyadanga campers for a great and memorable weekend.  We loved it and appreciate you inviting us along and sharing your piece of paradise with us.

We arrived back at Port Smith on Sunday morning and after the clean up we had a very quiet day.  Unfortunately the sandflies were rife and Chloe was not very well.  On the positive, we had a great catch up with Tim and Marg Clayton, who were in Port Smith for a few months.

The beach where we camped at sunset
In search of mudcrabs we go!
Graeme finding his first crab
Simon with his catch
One of Ben's two mudcrabs he caught
Chloe and her catch
Simon hard at work making a spear
Ben looking pretty content (and dirty) with his new spear
Turtle hunting
Another amazing sunset
Our camp for the weekend
Us with Graeme, Bec, Andy & Clancy. Plus Will (back to us).

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