The Places We've Been

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Jindabyne (19/1/12 - 24/1/12)

We arrived in Jindabyne on 19/1/12, about a 2 hour drive from Canberra.  The caravan park we stayed at was just beautiful.  Probably the best one we have stayed at since we began our trip.  It was right on the lake, had heaps of big shady trees, the best caravan sites we have seen (they are all paved and big), a playground, bouncy pillow and beautiful fresh water to swim in.  Plus we met some really lovely people. 

Neil, Lisa, Lachlan, Connor and Hayley Gibson from Newcastle were day three into their 12 month trip.   Lee-Anne, Andrew, Jack, Austin and Genevieve Marsh, also from Newcastle were 6 weeks into their 12 month trip.  It was so lovely for the kids to have other kids to play with and great to spend some time with other families doing the same fantastic trip as us.  Thanks guys for your company, advice, laughs and a few drinks.  We hope you all have a fantastic and safe 12 months and enjoy your adventure as much as we are.  We would love to see you in Albany when you get to our part of the country.  Who knows, we may see you on the road before then???

On Friday (20th Jan) we spent the day at Thredbo in Mt Kosciuszko National Park (see separate post).
Saturday and Sunday were spent around Jindabyne – lots of relaxing and not too much else.  A few swims in the lake, a nice walk into town, a hit of tennis and lots of playing by the kids.  Plus we really enjoyed watching the Australian Open tennis at night.

We enjoyed nice weather most of the time we were here.  Low 20’s and sunny most of the time.  The first three afternoons after beautiful days, we had massive thunderstorms with huge amounts of rain.  Absolute downpours and then after half an hour or so it stopped and the sun came out again.  Bizarre!

On Monday we farewelled the Gibson’s and Marsh’s as they moved onto their next destinations.  We spent the day at Charlotte’s Pass (see separate post).

Next stop Eden, 215kms from Jindabyne on the NSW coast.  From here we plan to work our way up the coast and enjoy the sunshine.

Lake Jindabyne - view from our caravan site

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