The Places We've Been

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Omeo (4/1/12 - 6/1/12)

We thought we'd head to the Victorian Alps from Bairnsdale for 2 reasons.  1stly to get some cooler weather and 2ndly we thought it would be "easy" to get accommodation inland.  Once again we were WRONG!  After phoning almost every caravan park in Bright with no luck, we got accommodation at Omeo, a small town at the foothills of the Victorian Alps, 120kms north of Bairnsdale.  Simon's driving skills were put to the test once again - the Great Alpine Road was very windy and slow going.  But Simon got us there safely and the scenery was sensational.

We didn't have high expectations of Omeo (since they had vacancies!) but we loved it.  It is a beautiful little town that was originally a gold mining town.  The caravan park was gorgeous - huge grassy sites right on the river and it was so quiet.  Plus we were allowed campfires.  Even better the kids borrowed some bikes and rode, rode and rode!  We all did a nice walk into town from the caravan park, despite going the long way.  We got our cold weather - 17 degrees.

From here we did a day trip to Falls Creek (separate entry)

Marshmallows - yumm!

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