The Places We've Been

Friday 13 January 2012

Milawa and Glenrowan (8/1/12)

Our last day with Ian and Maxine.  This morning we visited the Brown Brothers Winery and a cheese factory in Milawa.  It was a little too early to be wine tasting, but we managed to get a bit of cheese tasting in despite the crowds!  Next stop was Glenrowan, well known for the place of Ned Kelly's capture.

We managed to have a quick look around Glenrowan, including seeing the 6m statue of Ned Kelly and the site of his capture, before the rain began to fall.  We all enjoyed our visit to the Ned Kelly Theatre, where we followed the life, capture and death of Ned Kelly in a 40 minute show.  Poor Ben was a little scared at times, but we all survived.  Very clever and well worth the visit.

Whilst we were eating lunch at a park the rain got heavier, heavier and heavier.  We were under a shelter, which initially provided some protection, but we were soon getting very wet!  Not the best conditions to be farewelling Ian and Maxine!  From here, Ian and Maxine headed to Melbourne and we headed back to Porepunkah via Wangaratta.

Thank you Mum and Dad for a fantastic week - we loved having you with us.  We miss you!!
Ian, Ben, Chloe & Big Ned
Maxine, Chloe, Ben & Donna
An outside scene at the Ned Kelly Theatre
Chloe & Ben at the site of Ned Kelly's capture

Ian, Donna, Chloe, Maxine & Ben before the rain got very heavy

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