The Places We've Been

Monday 2 January 2012

Wilsons Promontory (28/12/11)

Thursday was spent at Wilsons Promontory National Park, home to the most southern point of mainland Australia.  Unfortunately Wilsons Promontory had massive floods in March this year, causing huge amounts of damage, so the southern part of the park was closed.  So we didn't make it to South Point.

First stop, Tidal River, where the campsite is.  Huge camp ground and absolutely jam packed!  It is here that Tidal River meets the ocean, Norman's Beach.  Beautiful beach - in fact the nicest beach we have found in Victoria.  The kids had a ball climbing the rocks, chasing the crabs and splashing in the water.  Walked the entire beach - gorgeous!  Chloe probably won't forget Norman's Beach - at one point she was running backwards and fell flat on her backside in the water.  We all thought it was hilarious - Chloe didn't see the funny side!

Once back, we set off over the Tidal River Bridge and did a nice walk up to Pillar Point.  WOW!!  An amazing view back to Norman's Beach and beyond.  Very specky.

Final stop, Squeaky Beach, where the sand supposedly squeaks when you walk on it.  It didn't!  A rough surf beach, but beautiful white sand.  The kids enjoyed a quick swim in the ocean and river.

Back to Foster late afternoon exhausted!

Tidal River
Tidal River
Tidal River and Norman's Beach
Norman's Beach
View of Norman's Beach from Pillar Point
Squeaky Beach
After a dip at Squeaky Beach - it was cold.

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