The Places We've Been

Friday 13 January 2012

Mt Buffalo (9/1/12)

On our last day in Porepunkah we went to Mt Buffalo, 32kms away.  Another slow, windy ascent.  We were able to drive almost to the peak, The Horn.  We walked the last section until we were 1720m above sea level.  Amazing 360 degree views!!  But so cold - it was 6 degrees - and we were in shorts!!

There were so many walks to do.  The next one we did was a 2km round trip to the Cathedral and The Knob - the last part was very steep!  But we were rewarded with more amazing views!

We had a picnic lunch at Eurobin Creek, where the kids had fun crossing the bridge and drinking the beautiful, fresh water.

Final walk, a 1.5km return walk to the Ladies' Baths (you can swim here but it was too cold), the Lower Eurobin Falls and a tough final trek to the Upper Eurobin Falls.  So many stairs.......  Beautiful though.

We definitely got our exercise today!

Upper Eurobin Falls

Lower Eurobin Falls
Ladies Baths
The Cathedral (view from The Knob)

Drink stop

Eurobin Creek Picnic area

We made it! Top of The Horn - 1720m

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